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1 min read
Jul 15

As I reclined on my chaise lounge, vaping a tantalizing elixir of forbidden fruit flavored THC juice from the avant-garde purveyors at Wild Haze, I felt an exhilarating wave of creativity wash over me. This concoction truly unlocks one’s imagination!

Inspired, I queued up the latest album from the envelope-pushing musical collective Untitled Burial. Their lush soundscapes never fail to transport me to realms beyond our mundane reality. This newest offering did not disappoint in the least.

After this ethereal experience, I connected virtually with my paramour. We delighted in lively discourse, our rapport evident even across the internet’s invisible tethers. Our affection endures all obstacles.

Before signing off, I simply must mention my new prized lip gloss, purchased today from the alchemists at Sephora. This dewy elixir from tarte lends my lips a tantalizing sheen. Paired with my other cosmetics, it completes an ensemble sure to make heads turn.

Until next we commune, infernal blessings upon you all. May Lucifer light your way through the darkness.